Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

1536 C 0 M U f_iiflen and appear to us In name of great Oceanus, By th' earth fbaking Neptune's rilace And TeAlys grave majeftic pace, By hoary Nereus wrinkled look, And the Carpathian wifard's hook, By fcaly Triton's winding (hell, And old footh-faying Glaucus fpell, By Leucothea's lovely hands, And her fon that rules the Brands, By Thetis tinfel-flipper'd feet, And the longs of Sirens tweet, By dead Parthenope's dear tomb, And fair Ligea's golden comb, Wherewith the fits on diamond rocks, Sleeking her loft alluring locks, By all the nymphs that nightly dance Upon thy fireams with wily glance, Rife, rite, and heave thy roly head 885 From thy coral-paven bed, And bridle in thy headlong wave, thou our fummons anfwer'd have. Liften and fave. Sabrina rites, attended by water-nymphs, and flogs. By the rufhy-fringed bank, 890 IAThere grows the willow and the fier dank, My Eliding chariot flays, Thick let with agat, and the azurn Been Of turkis blue, and emerald green, That in the channel (trays ; Whilfi from off the waters fleet Thot? I let my printlefs feet O'er the cow flips velvet head, That bends not as I tread ; 875 88o 895 Gentle