C 0 M U S 637 Gentle Swain, at thy requeft 900 I am here. Spi. Goddefs dear, We implore thy pow'rful hand To undo the charmed band Of true virgin here difireft, 905 Through the force, and through the wile Of unbleft inchanter vile. Sabrina. Shepherd, 'tis my office beft To help infAared chaflity : Brightefl Lady, look on me ; 910 Thus 1 fprinkle on thy breath Drops that from my fountain pure I have kept of precious cure, Thrice upon thy fingers tip, Thrice upon thy rubied lip ; 915 Next this marble ven,m'd feat, Smear'd wih gams ofglutenous heat, I touch with chafte palms moiti and cold : N,w the fpell bath loll his hold ; And I mull hafle ere morning hour 920 To wait in Amphitrite's bow'r. Sabrina defcends, and the Lady riles out of her feat. Spi. Virgin, daughter of Locrine Sprung of old Anchlies line, May thy brimmed waves for this Their full tribute never mils 925 From a thoufand petty rills, That tumble down the fnowy hills ; Summer drouth, or finged air Never fcorch thy treffes fair, Nor wet 06tober's torrent flood Thy molten, cryflal fill with mud ; May thy billows roll afhore 930 The