Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

638 C 0 M U The beryl, and the golden ore May thy lofty head be crown'd With many a tow'r and terras round, And here and there thy banks upon With groves of myrrhe, and cinnamon. Come, Lady, while Heav'n lends us grace, Let us fly this curled place, Left the forcerer us entice With force other new device. Not a walk, or needlefs found, Till we come to holier ground ; I fhall be your faithful guide Through this gloomy covert wide, And not many furlongs thence Is your Father's refidence, Where this night are met in fate Many a friend to gratulate His wifh'd prefence, and befide All the swains that near abide, With jigs, and rural dance refort ; We shall catch them at their fport, And our fudden coming there Will double all their mirth and chear ; Come let us hafte, the fiars grow high, But night fits monarch yet in the mid fky. The SCENE changes, prefenting Ludlow town, and the Prefident's cattle; then come in country dancers, after them the attendent Spirit, with the two Bro- thers and the Lady. S 0 N G. 935 940 945 950 955 silo Back, Shepherds, back, enough your play, Till next tun-ibine holiday Here be without duck or nod 960 Other