INDEX. Book Line vii. , Fo Angels their Fong on the creation vii. 252 vii. 5 vii. 60527 On its diffolution and rennovation x. 641 S ivy. 777828 Guardians of Paradife, their parade, watches, &c. ..., iv. 861 1 iv. 977 L v. 287 Re-afcent to Heaven on Adam's fall x. 17 Appointed to expel Adam, &c. from Paradife xi. 127 Defcent there vii. 208 Poft affign'd viii. 220 March poffeffing it, and expelling him, &c. xii. 6z6 Vide God the Father 1 and Son Vide Similes, Guardians of mankind ix. Isz Angels, fallen, their after-Hate i. 39 i. so 3 Numbers i. 331 v. 743 Names i. 374 Various purfuits, &c. ii. 528 Lofs fupply'd by man's creation iii. 677 Imbatteled againft the Angel's cceleflial vi. 79 Engagement vi. 202 Defeat vi. 386 Difpofition to re-engage vi. 507 Their artillery-cannon, &c. vi. 572 Prevail vi. from 859371 Entire defeat and expulfion from Heaven vi. to 877 Transformed to Serpents x. 519 Farther punifhed with an illufion of the forbidden Fruit x. 547 Both annually continued x. 575 Vide Satan. Vide Similes. Apoftles, their miflion, &c. Gift of the Holy Ghoft Succeffors (wolves, falfe teachers, &c. defcrib'd) Argument of the poem Ariel, Arioc and Ramiel (fall'n Angels) vanquifh'd Ark, its building by Noah, defcrib'd xii. 439 xii. 497 xii. 508 S i. I 1 ix. I vi. 369 xi. 728 Vide Noah. Ark