INDE X. Book Line Eve's anfwer to Satan (in the ferpent) ix. 552 The difcourfe. (Satan tempting her to eat the forbidden ix. 732 fruit) continued Soliloquy before her eating it ix 745 Plucks and eats ix. 78o Soliloquy after it ix. 795 Refolution to tempt Adam ix. 839 Speech to him thereon ix. 856 Reply to his anfwer refolving to die with her ix. 96o Behaviour thereon ix. 990 Gives him the fruit rx. 995 Repeats the tranfgreflion with him ix. loos Is incited by him to carnal fruition (the firft effe& of it) { ix. 1 1014 The place, &c. defcrib'd ix. 3037 Anfwer to him (accufing her as the aggreffor) imputes it } to his indulgence ix. 1142 Anfwer to God (the Son) calling her to judgment (accufes 1 x. 159 the ferpent) The lenience pronounc'd on her x. 192 Behaviour and fpeech to Adam's repulfe of her, and her offers of confolation (accufes herfelf) x. 909 After- behaviour thereon x. 937 Reply to his anfwer (advifes to die by their own hands) x. 96b To him, hailing her the mother of mankind xi. 162 Soliloquy, lamenting the threatned expulfion from Paradife xi. 268 Speech to him on quitting it (affection, conjugal refolution, . mi. 610 and confolation on the prornife of the i'vlefiMh) Vide Adam. Vide Similes. Evening defcrib'd Evil-in thought unapprov'd-blamelefs Experience-a guide to wifdom F iv. 598 v. 117 ix. 807 Faith, unneceffary endeavours to approve it, fufpicious ix. 1139 Faith in Chrift, with works, eternal life xii, 42o Laws to force it cenfur'd xii. 5 1 5 No infallibility againil it xii. 529 . Fancy (a faculty of the foul) its office v. loo viii The eye of the foul 460 Fame (or glory) the common notion of it cenfuld xi. 688 Fate, the will of God vii. 17o Fig-tree, of which Adam, Eve, &c. made Aprons, defcrib'd ix. riot Firmament,