INDE Book Lind God the Father vifibly Peen in the Son iii. 383 vi. 68o Charge to Raphael to warn Adam againft his fall v. 224 Speech to the whole celeftial hierarchy, conven'd at the } v. 600 inaugaration of God the Son To the Son on Satan's, &c. revolt thereon v. 719 Army againft the revolters defcrib'd vi.. 15 Speech to Abdiel on his quitting their party vi. 29 Appoints Michael and Gabriel chiefs of the celeftial army vi. 44 from 202 Battel, &c. between them and the revolters defcrib'd vi. to 6o7 Appoints God the Son to end it vi. 68ci Chariot (the Father's) defcrib'd vi. 749 Speech to the Son, refolving the creation of the world vii. 139 Commits the work to him vii. 163 His (the Father's) omniprefence vii. 16g 588 Goodnefs, free vii. 170 Will, fate vii. 173 Inflitution of the Sabbath (by God the Father and Son) vii. 581 the feventh after the fix days of the creation The folemnity of it defcrib'd vii. 594 Speech (the Father's) on the guardian Angels return from I X. 34 Paradife upon Adam's, &c. fall Appoints the Son judge of it xi 55 Speech to the celeftials on Sin and Death's entrance into 1 the world thereby Promife of their diffoluticin, and renovation of heaven and earth } x. 633 Charge to the Angels, touching the changes in the cre.. 1 ation on the fall x. 649 Anfwer to the Son's interceflion on Adam's repentance xi. 45 Speech to the celeflials, conven'd at his decreeing his ex-} pulfion from Paradife 84 To Michael thereon i71°. 6952° G0 D the S 0N, at the right hand of the Father His (the Father's) effence, &c. iii; 138 iii. { His word, &c. 169 vii. 163 Anfwer to him on Satan's defign on the creation, man, &c. iii. 144 On his propofing the manner, &c. of man's redempl iii, 227 Undertakes it iii. 236 Love to man, and filial obedience iii. 266 C c 6 God