I N D E X . Book Line Anfwer to the Father, on Eve x. 192 On Adam x. 197 Cloathes them with fkins, &c. x. 211 Re-afcent to the Father, and interceffion for them x. 224 The juflice of his fentence x. 754 His interceffion on their repentance xi. 22 Vide Meffiah. G 0D, purity of Adoration more acceptable to him, than iv. 730 fpiritual All good proceeds from, and returns to him v. 469 To be contemplated in the works of the creation v. 508 Ads immediate vii. 176 The centre of Heaven ix. 107 His abfolute dec rees xi. 31! Omniprefence, goodnefs, &e. 335 The fear of him, &c. with lots of freedom, degenerates xx:i. i 797 Particular prefence 48 To love, obey, depend on his providence; &c. the fum of knowledge xii. 557 xii. And wifdom 575 xii. Gofpel how to be underflood 5 1 1 Grace of God, man its objed, and devils eternally excluded/ iii. 129 from it, why Man's long refinance of it alone exclufive iii. 198 Repentance a fruit of it xi. 22 The fpirits of it, and liberty, conforts xii. 525 Gratitude exerted, a difcharge of its debt iv. 55 Gunpowder, guns, &c. the original invention afcrib'd to the} vi. 478 devil 484 Ditcharge defcrib'd vi. 584 Heaven and Earth, their final renovation by fire After-happinefs therein Heaven, the joys, &c. of it defcrib'd Its gate Paffage from thence to the world Its general creation Vifible, the fludy of it how neceffary Speculations of its motions, or the earth's, cenfured How fitaated, refpeding the world, and Hell S xi. 898 xii. 547 j xii. 463 549 'IL 344 iii. sot L v. 253 iii. 526 111. 716 viii. 66 VW. 70 X. 320 Heaven