Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

INDEX. Book Line Michael, of their return from thence, after-diffenfions, the ) from 345 xii. birth and kingdom of the Meffiah Of his life, paon, refurredion, million of the Apoftles, afcenfion, &c. from 33878 ffi xu. 485 to 46 Of the miffion of the Holy Ghoft, gift of tongues, rni- froxu. racles, &c. to 504 Of the Apoftles fucceffors (falfe teachers, &c. their ambi- from 507 tion, innovations, &c. the effefls of them, and the xii. Meffiah's coming to judgment to 551 His anfwer to Adam's refolutions offuture obedience, &c. commends, advifes him, and warns him to quit Pa- xi'. 575 radife Leads him and Eve out xii. 637 Vide Similes. Mind, the force of it i 254 Difcourfe, its food ix. 237 Moloch, (a fall'n Angel) i° 392 His fpeech in the council call'd by Satan after their fall ii. 51 Defies Gabriel in the battel between the celeftial and re- vi. 357 volted Angels Is wounded by him and flies vi. 360 Moon, fuppos'd inhabited by tranflated faints and middle iii, .. n. 459 fpirits Its office iii. 726 Riling defcrib'd iv. 6o6 The fpots in it, vapours not yet confolidated with its v. 418 body Part of the fourth day's creation vii. 356 Receives its light from the fun vii. 375 Motion, afpeds viii. Moon and liars, their courfes, influences, &c. iv. Moon and planets, tbeir noxious motion, afpe&s, &c. an 656 o effe& of Adam's fall Morning in Heaven defcrib'd vi. 12 20 Morning, natural, defcrib'd 133 xii. 170 1. 740 IVIofes and Aaron their miffion Mulciber (a fall'n Angel) to Egypt N Night in Heaven defcrib'd Night and day in Heaven, defcrib'd v. 642 vi. 4 Night,