Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

al INDEX. Book Line A tan% fpeech on the celeflial army's retreat vi. 6o8 from 83t .( His army's entire defeat and expulfion fromheaven defcrib'd vi. to 877 Returns from compiling the earth, to Paradife by night, 1 > ix. 53 in a mitt, in order to his temptation i His circuit, &c. eiefcrib'd ix. 6z Soliloquy thereon ix. 99 Enters the ferpent ix. 182 View (in that fhape) of Eye ix. 424 Soliloquy thereon ix. 473 Behaviour to her ix. 523 Speech to her ix. 532 B.eply to her anfwer ix. 567 The diicourfe (his temptation of Eve to eat the forbidden 1 fruit) continued lx. 732 Leaves her after eating it ix. 784 pis fentence thereon (virtually) pronounced by God the} Son x. 171 Returns to hell to avoid his pretence in Paradife x. 337 Meets Sin and Death upon their journey to the world on 1 X. 345 Adam's, &c. fall Anfwer to Sin's fpeech x. 383 Parts with them x. 410 Afcends his throne at Pandmonium x. 443 speech to the fall'n Angels afferribled there x. 459 Applauded with a hits x. 504 He and they transform'd to ferpents x. 5 to ;Farther punifli'd with an illulion of the forbidden fruit X. 549 Both annually continued x. 575 Himfelf (the ferpent) drag'd in chains at the afcenfion of} xii. the Meffiah 453 pig-01,160n (with the world) at his coming to judg- } ment $45 Vide Similes. gaturn (a fall'n Angel) i. 51a Scriptures how to be underitood, xii. 511 eafons, their changes, refpeCting each clime, an effeEt of} x.. f. _77 Adam's fall perpent defcrib'd ix. 182 After enter'd by Satan ix. 495 His fentence (formally) pronounced by God the Son, as 1 x. 163 The afrum'cl tempter of Eve 175 Vide Similes. 0.4cFp.1 Waits, &c. an effeEt of Adam's fall x. 692 SIMILES.