IN D E X. Book Line ratan, his fpear -to a mail i. 292 His flandard -to a meteor i. 337 The Phmnomenon of his afcent to hell gates - to a fleet t ii. 636 in the offing His, and Death's frowns on each,other-to two thunder- clouds meeting ii. 714 Flight to the court of Chaos-to a Gryphon's in the wil- ii . dernefs 943 Towards heaven -to (the Ihip) Argo through the Thra- i. 1016 clan Rofphorns ;---To Ulyffts's voyage between Scylla and Charybdis ii. 1019 Arrival at light, &c - to a weather beaten veal towards } port ii. 1c43 On the convex of the world's outermoft orb-to a vulture iii. feeking his prey 431 Firft view of the world-to a fcout's cafual profpeEt (after a 'dangerous journey) of a new country or iii. 543 city JJ r-Of the flars orbs-to the Hefperian gardens, &c. iii. 568 Appearance in the fun's orb-to a fpot in it differing from f iii 688 all aftronomical obfervations Wditation on his intended attempt on the world --to a I iv. 4 gun recoiling fn Paradife - to a wolf preying on a fold iv. 183 .---To a thief breaking in at a houfe top, &c. iv. 188 -,-To a Tiger in view of a brace of fawns hr. 403 DeteEted by Ithuriel there -to gunpowder taking fire iv. 814 Ireprehended by Zephon-to a fieed rein'd, in a fret iv. 857 i-lis army agaiaft the celestials in number t-- to the v. 745 ftars -To the dew drops . v. 746 Their applaufe of his reply to Abdiel-to the found of 1 v_.i 872 deep Waters pimfelf recoiling on a blow receiv'd fromMichael --- to / vi. 193 a mountain finking by an earthquake pis combat with Michael-to two planets (the frame of nature, fuppos'd diffolv'd) ruffling in oppofition to each vi. 310 other View (in the ferpent) of Paradife and Eve there,-to a citizen's taking the air in the country from his home ix. 445 confinement shape (transform'd to a ferpent) on his return to hell after 529 Op tempto,tion-tn the ferpent Python Satan,