THE LIFE of MILTON. 387 letter of Sir Henry Wotton tc our author ; but who that Mr. R. was, whether Randolph the poet or who elfe, is uncertain. It has lately, tho' with additions and alterations, been exhibited on the flage feveral times ; and we hope the fine poetry and morality have recom- mended it to the audience, and not barely the authority of Milton's name ; and we with for the honor of the nation, that the like good tale prevailed in every thing. In .16z7 he wrote another excellent piece, his Lycidas, wherein he laments the untimely fate of a friend, who was unfortunately drown- ed that fame year in the month of Anvil on the frith feas, in his pzfrage from Chefler. This friend was Mr. Edward King, fon of Sir John King, Secretary of Ireland under Queen Elizabeth, King James I. and King Charles I ; and was a fellow of Chrift's College, and was fo well beloved and efleemedat Cambridge, that fome of the greateft names in the univerfity have united in celebrating his obfequies, and publithed a collection of poems, Greek and Latin and Englifh, facred to his memory. The Greek by H. More &c ; the Latin by T. Farna- by, J. Pearfon the Englifh by H. King, J, Beaumont, J. Cleave- land with feveral others ; and judicioufly the fall of all as the belt of all, is Milton's Lycidas. " On filch facrifices the Gods themfelves flrow incenfe ;" and one would almoft with fo to have died, for the fake of having been fo lamented. But this poem is not all made up of forrow and tendernefs ; there is a mixture of fatire and indignation ; for in part of it the poet taketh occafion to inveigh against the corruptions of the clergy, and feemeth to have firlt difcovered his acrimony against Archbithop Laud, and to have threatened him with the lofs of his head, which afterwards happen'd to him thro' the fury of his enemies. At leaft can think ofno fenfe fo proper to be given to the following verfes in 4ycidas. Betides what the grim wolfe with privy paw Daily devours apace, and nothing faid ; But that two-handed engine at the door Stands ready to finite once, and finiteno more. About