THE LIFE of MILTON. sgt courted and careffed by feveral of the nobility and prime wits of Florence. For the manner is, as he fays hirnfelf in the preface to his fecond book of the Reafon of Church -government, that every one muff give Come proof of his wit and reading there, and his produc- tions Were received with written encomiums which the Italian is not forward to beflow on men of this fide the Alps. Jacomo Gaddi, Antonio Francini, Carlo Dati, Beneditto, Bonrnavhei, Cultellino, Frefcobaldi, Clementilli are reckoned among his particular friends. At Gaddi's houfe the academies were held, which he conftantly frequented. Antonio Francini compofed an Italian ode in his com- mendation. Carlo Dad wrote a Latin eulogium of him, and car- refponded with him after his return to England, Bonmatthei was at that time about publifhing an Italian grammar ; and the eighth of our author's familiar epiftles, dated at Florence Sept. lo. 1638, is addreffed to him upon that occafion, commending his defign, and advifing him to add tome obfervations concerning the true pronunci- ation of that language for the ufe of foreigners. So much good acquaintance would probably have detained him longer at Florence, if he had rot been going to Rome, which to a curious traveler is certainly the place the mod worth feeingof any in the world. And fo he took leave of his friends at Florence, and went from thence to Sienna, and from Sienna to Rome, where he flayed much about the fame time that he had continued at Florence, feafting both his eyes and his mind, and delighted with the fine paint- ings, and fculptures, and other rarities and antiquities of the city, as well as with the converfation of feveral learned and ingenious men, and particularly of Lucas Holftenius, keeper of the Vatican library; wile received him with the greateff humanity, and fhowed him all the Greek authors, whether in print or in manufcript, which had paffed thro' his corredion ; and alfo prefented him to Cardinal Bar- berini, who at an entertainment of mufic, performed at his own ex- penfe, waited for him at the door, and taking him by the hand brought him into the affembly. The next morning he waited upon the Cardinal to return him thanks for his civilities, and by the means Of Holftenius was again introduced to his Eminence,and fpent fume time