Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

4°8 ME LIVE OP MILTON. cifms, fhould come from the hands of a prelate of fuch diftinguifhed abilities and learning. But whoever was the author of it, Milton did not think it Worth his while to animadvert upon it himfelf, but employed the younger of his nephews to anfwer it ; but he fupervifed and corrected the anfwer fo much before it went to the prefs, that it may in a manner be called his own. It came forth in 165z under this title, Johannis Philippi Angli Refponfio ad Apologiam anonymi cujufdam tenebrionis pro rege & populo Anglicano infantillimam ; and it is printed with Milton's works ; and thrOughout the whole Mr. Philips treats Bifhop Bramhall with great feverity as the author of the Apology; thinking probably that fo confiderable an adverfary would make the anfwer more confiderable. Sir Robert Filmer likewife publifhed fome animadverfions upon Milton's Defenfe of the people, in a piece printed in 165z, and in- titled Obfervations concerning the original of governmento upon Mr. Hobbes's Leviathan, Mr. Milton againft Salmafius, and Hugo Gro- tius de Jure belli : but I do not find that Milton or any of his friends took any notice of it ; but Milton's quarrel was afterwards fuffici- ently avenged by Mr. Locke, who wrote againft Sir Robert Filmer'r principles of government, more I fuppofe in condefcenfion to the prejudices of the age, than out of any regard to the weight or import- anceof Filmer's argnments. It is probable that Milton, when he was firft made Latin Secretary, removed from his houfe in High Holborn to be nearer Whitehall ; and for fome time he had lodgings at one Thomfon's next door to the bull-head tavern at Charing-Crofs, opening into Spring garden, till the apartment, appointed for him in Scotland-Yard, could be got ready for his reception. He then removed thither ; and there his third child, a fon was born and named John, who, thro' the ill ufage er bad conftitution of the nurfe died an infant. His own health too was greatly impaired ; and for the benefit of the air, he removed from his apartment in Scotland Yard to a houfe in Petty-France Wetiminfler, which was next door to Lord Scudamore's, and opened into St. James's Park ; and there he remained eight years, from the year 165z till within a few weeks of the King's raoration. In this houfe,