ENGLAND'S BEST HOPE. 91 which she had so long groaned ; deli- vered from her heavy bondage, by the labours of our blessed reformers, and handed down to us unmutilated and un- defaced. If every English gentleman did but seriously reflect, how much the future moral prosperityof his country depended on the education he may at this moment be giving to his son, even ifhis paternal feelings did not stimulate his zealous en- deavours, his patriotic, would. May the unworthy writer, who loves her country with an ardour which the superior worth of that country justifies ; who, during a long life, has anxiously watched its alternations of prosperous and adverse fortune ; and who, on the very verge of eternity, is proportionally anxious for its moral prosperity, as she approaches nearer to that state, in view of which all temporal considerations di- minish in their value ; - may she hope that her egotism will be forgiven, and her pardon be obtained for the liberty she is taking ? May she venture to sup-