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1,51 ON NOVEL OPINIONS minds are so constituted, that it is easier to them to produce objections to truth, than to embrace it ; they therefore resist truth, when they might resist the ob- stacles which prevent their receiving it. Our adoption of error as naturally pro- ceeds from our abuse of reason, as our adoption of truth from the right use of it. The question to a plain Christian, seems to be settled by this declaration of our Lord : " He that doeth His will shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God." As, in many of those to whom we have been alluding, their aberrations Seem to have been occasioned rather by the vagrancy of the imagination, than the corruption of the heart, we are not without hope that they may yet retrace their steps ; that the way they have lost may be recovered ; that their involution in this labyrinth may not be past extri- cation ; that Divine grace may furnish a clue to lead them back to the plain, obvious, intelligible meaning of the un-