More - PR3605 .M6 M5 1820

160 ON NOVEL OPINIONS" We want more simplicity in the exer- cise of our religion ; we want to be 're- formed by it, and not to -reform it ; we have need to be sent back to our ,first rudiments. We should imitate the plain- ness and uncomplicated method of the New Testament, where the doctrines are few, but of importance inestimable, in- finite, eternal! We should ex-amine the grounds of our faith by this unerring guide, and not by the pullulations of our own visionary fancies. We want to be sent back to elementary principles. We need not even think it beneath our wisdom to be directed by that familiar summary, the Apostles' Creed. It were well if we fixed our own faith by the articles comprised in, and enclosed by, that safe compendium, instead of turning it over to our children as if we were got above its beggarly elements. Even the way-faring man cannot stray while he is contented to keep close within this hedge.