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IN RELIGION. 163 undermine. Nor can any contrivances of man improve the beauty of its super. structure. Its depths cannot be fathomed by our short line, nor its height fully apprehended by our short sight ! Chris- tianity, then, is no appropriate field for the perplexities of metaphysics, nor the industry of new discoveries. This brief title of the Bible - THE WORD OF GOD - excludes the censure of all ca- villers, annihilates the emendations of all critics ! It is with unfeigned sorrow the writer has witnessed the rise and progress of the new community. If she knows any thing of her own heart, the preceding remarks have not been dictated by a censorious spirit. But it may be said, she was not called upon for any such impertinent ani- madversions. The probability of such a reproof makes her feel herself obliged to account for the liberty she has taken. Those who have condescended to look into her former writings, need not be reminded, that she has through life, in