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164 ON NOVEL OPINIONS a considerable degree-, though not ex- elusively, devoted her humble talents to the service of her own sex ; and has conscientiously, though feebly, laboured to be useful to their beSt interests in every .way she could devise.. She has endeavoured to strengthen them in the pursuit of what was right, and they have had the goodness to bear with her when she has reminded them of any aberra- tions from that pursuit. Though the deep interest she has taken in their credit and their welfare has by no means invested her with a right of interference on the present painful oc- casion, yet it would not have been con- sistent with her antecedent practice, to overlook a circumstance in which they are so deeply involved. It has excited the most lively feelings of regret in many minds, to hear, in a recent instance, of the departure of some ladies of consideration, from that reserve and delicacy so peculiarly the charac- teristics of their sex, and so naturally