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TIC RELIGTOICT. 165 appendant to their own respectable cha- racters and situation in life: They ap- pear not only to have entered very warmly into all the tenets of the seced- ing school, but to labour very assidu- ously for their propagation. They are, it seems, not only followers, but joint leaders in the several departments of the government of the seceding party. Tenderness of heart, "warmth of feel- ing, and liveliness of imagination, form a most interesting part in the composi- tion of an amiable woman ; but the qualities which adorn, are also the qua- lities which mislead. The verrattrac- tions which cause them to please, may become snares. If not carefully directed, they give a wrong bias to the character, and a dangerous tendency to the con- duct. They lead their possessor more widely astray than is commonly the case with those who are destitute of these pleasing powers. That providential, economywhich has clearly determined that women were