IN RELIGION. 167 desert their proper sphere, in which they were intended to benefit, to please, even to shine, at least as stars of the second magnitude ? Why fly from their pre- scribed orbit ? Why roam in useless and eccentric wandering, " And, comet-like, rush lawless through the void," and then having for a season astonished with their false and momentary blaze, fall disregarded and forgotten ? These well-meaning ladies would be among the last to use their allotted mea- sureof grace and accomplishment, to any purpose which theybelieved to be impro- per ; yet they require to be told, that neither should their talents be exerted to the purposes of spiritual seduction ; that they should not be employed to disturb the faith, to shake by dispute, or weaken by persuasion, the steadiness of persons who, without their endowments, are per- haps in a safer state. But though the writer cannot hope that these observations will produce any