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174 ILL EFFECTS OF proof's, and then triumph in the supposed opposition of what was never intended to agree. Thus fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Suffer a few friendly hints. Though HolyScripture was given to be searched, it was not given to be criticised. It was " written for our learning," not for our cavilling : it was given not to be pertly scrutinised, but to be " inwardly di- gested;" not to make us wise in our own conceits, but " to make us wise unto salvation." It is not to be endured to hear questions, on which hang all our hopes and our fears, speculated upon as if they were a question of physics or his- tory, and explained till theybecome con- tradictions. Men taught of God, and possessing those depths of erudition which qualified them to teach others, depend upon it, have left nothing for your discovery ex- cept the discovery of your own insuffi; ciency. If there are obscurities, they