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THE LATE SECESSION. 175 will not be cleared by such shallow ex- positors. The sun of righteousness will not be made to shine brighter by the glimmering of your farthing candle. Boldness in religion, we repeat, is one of the great evils of the present day. The more we cavil the less we shall obey. We may explain truths till we come to deny them. We may be so involved in intricacies of our own weaving, that we may end by opposing the doctrine We undertook to clear. Oh ! there is no security like a humble mind ; a mind always distrusting its own wisdom, and always confiding in the wisdom of God. Why, then, will not the premature in- structor wait till he is himself instructed ? Why not look up for information on difficult and disputed points to wiser and older heads ? Why not in their little parties turn their attention to practical points, rather than to speCulative nice. ties ? Why not cultivate that self-inspec- tion and heart-humbling prayer which would cure those conceits that lead to a 4