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176 ILL EFFECTS OF critical and often end in a sceptical spirit such habits would best preserve them from that inflation of heart which arises from the vanity of some supposed new discovery, in a religion which was given us by the Spirit of God. The Scripture no where teaches us to indulge this audacious curiosity ; it stirs up no eagerness for pushing speculation beyond its legitimate bounds. It fur- nishes no invitation for ranging beyond the limited sphere allotted to our imper- fect human condition. Its incitements are not irritations but encouragements. The Bible wisely represses all that spi- ritual vanity which would dive into unprofitable, because impenetrable mys- teries. It teaches us all that is necessary for us to learn, and there it stops. It teaches what is of prime importance for us to know, - that we are fallen crea- tures. It shows what we ought to be- lieve in order to our being rescued from this state of apostacy. It instructs us in all that is necessary for us to do to be