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180 ILL EFFECTS OF suaded, they abhor ! -- when decorous and religious men, though by .other de- vices, and with other weapons, may be contributing to accomplish the work of these vulgar politicians, and assisting, in no inconsiderable degree, to discredit the church which the others are labouring to subvert ! Nay, in one respect the better men are doing the worst deed ; for the fac- tious assailants of the church injure those alone who were injured before ; for by the grossness of their attacks, they shock all who are not totally given up to impiety'; while, in the present in- stance, those more decent characters are more likely to be led astray, who have shown some disposition to be serious ; and are, therefore, in more danger of being misled by the specious subtleties, and the assumed tone of confident se- curity, of these religious dogmatists. The inexperienced and the wavering, - those who are unconfirmed in their principles, together with others who