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THE LATE SECESSION'. 181 have their religion to seek, and who like to have one pointed out to them which will not disturb their repose by the severity of its practical injunctions, nor the self-denying spirit of its tend- encies, - are likely to be led astray by these false lights ; while the sober and self-distrusting Christian will only be driven, by these alarming novelties, to adhere more closely to the humbling and consistent doctrines of the New Testament, - will, with deeper pros- tration of heart, implore the aid of the Holy Spirit, not only to lead him into all truth, but to keep him in it. Such a one will find that it does not require profound knowledge, or deep learning, to perceive the awful dangers of the presumptuous innovations which lead to these perilous subtleties - which ter- minate in these bold. conclusions. He will see that common sense, an humble mind, and a competent acquaintancewith Scripture, are all that is wanting to discover that the Bible, and the novelties