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THE SIXTH EDITION. Xiii objects ; would party, at this critical juncture, renounce the operation of its narrowing spirit ; would every professed patriot show himself, zealous, not for the magnifying of his own set, but for the substantial interests of his country ; what a mighty aggregate of blessings would be the result, and how reasonably might we then expect the Divine favour on a union so moral, so patriotic, so Christian ! It has pleased God, in his mercy, to restore to health. the son of our late monarch, and to placehim on the throne of his illustrious ancestors. We have the sanction of his own royal word, that he will walk in the steps of his beloved parent. We have an earnest of his gra- cious intentions. Every church has re- sounded with the royal proclamation for the encouragement of piety -and virtue, and for punishing prophaneness, vice, and immorality. He has pledged his honour - honour is the law of kings - and his honour is unimpeachable. In spite of