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THE LATE SECESSION. 187 We know that, in the sight of God, he is not the most successful champiOn who may have given most falls to his adversary ; but he who has obtained the most victories over his own spirit. And he will be found, in the great and tre- mendous day of reckoning, to have been the most valiant soldier of Jesus Christ, not who has been the fiercest combatant in the field of controversy, but who shall have brought most glory to God, and most souls to heaven. If we made, as surely we ought to make, the Holy Scripture our standard of judging, as well as of believing, of charity as well as of faith, of brotherly kindness as well as of orthodOxy ; - if we brought the Bible to be the constant arbiter of our debates, as ,well as the professed rule of our lives, we should attack nothing with warmth but what that Bible condemns. All differences of opinion in which God has not set to His seal that it is false, should be treat- ed with candour ; men should not then