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188 ILL EFFECTS ,OF. make their own supposed "purged eyes" the universal medium of clear visiOn, they should not -villify others for seeing the same object with other optics. Want of charity is probably no less a fault than the one we may be reviling ; and does not a want of discrimination, or rather does not that blindness which is inspired by prejudice, lead to that deficiency in candour which widens the difference ? To profess opinions of which Scripture neither commands nor prohibits our be- lief; ought not to set at irreconcileable variance beings who are equally candi- dates for heaven. In that abode of per- fect peace and perfect love, no small portion of the promised felicitymay arise from our being of no party. A difference in opinion on points on which the Holy Spirit has been silent, on which no declaratory sentence in Scripture has been pronounced, is surely no ground for the triumph of superiority in those who maintain them, nor for supercilious contempt in those who re.