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190 ILL EFFECTS 6F look those inferrior matters in others, which might not exactly coincide with our own views and opinions. These discrepancies in sentiment- are perhaps permitted: for mutual advantage; and the cultivation of a candid disposi- tion may be carried to a wider extent, and a spirit of forbearance be kept in higher exercise, where there are some points to keep forbearance in action, than if there were no such thing as diversity of sentiment. By the constant and reciprocal operation of this spirit of Christian kindness, we shall be made more meet for that state where all will be of one mind, as well as one heart, where charity will have its full consummation, and forbearance its full reward. Let us then prepare ourselves, and each other, by the exercise of the one for the fruition of the other. Let God be all in all now as He will be hereafter, and there will be no room left in the heart of a Christian for animosity, or unkindness towards his fellowChristians.