More - PR3605 .M6 M5 1820

194 ON THE EXERTIONS when only caution is intended, may we hazard a few words, not of censure but of friendly intimation ? May not those large portions of time, and strength, and spirits, so generously spent 'abroad by some zealous Christians, in the most noble exertions of religious charity, be sometimes .suffered to in. trench, in some measure, upon the imperious calls of domestic life, upon those pleasing and sacred duties for which HOME iS a name so. dear ? May they not be so exhausted by external concerns, that they 'may be in danger of entering with diminished interest on the retired exercises. of the closet, or the 'Cheerful duties of the family ? All busi. nesS, even religious business, is apt to produce a. hurry and bustle in the mind, and an agitation-in the spirits, which the most serious persons lament, as being attended with some disqualification for . personal improvement. My mother's children gave me their vineyards to keep, . but mine own vineyard have I not kept,"