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OF PIOUS LADIES. 195 was the pathetic lamentation of the an- . cient church. They had engaged her in labours and difficulties which she feared had in some measure impeded the pro- gresSof her own spiritual concerns, It was in her own house, at Bethany, that Mary sat at the feet ofJesus. We fully admit, however, not only the complete compatibility, but the expediency of unit- ing what we owe to those abroad, and to ourselves and families at home ; the high- est characters are those who combineboth. We are not combating, but applauding a zeal, which we fervently hope May never be suppressed, if it should ever require to be somewhat regulated. There is no part of Christian duty which more reqffires us to look well to the motive by which our actions are governed. It is of importance to examine whether our most useful, if. busy, pur- suits,. are not influenced by a natural fondness for bustle, an animal activity, a love of notice. Whether eveni the charitable labours grow not more from 'a x 2