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196 ON THE EXERTIONS restless spirit than from real piety. Let us observe, however, that though these defective motives may at first excite the zeal of some, yet bY a perseverance in well-doing, assisted by humble prayer, the motive may at length become as pure as the act is undoubtedly right. It is asserted, but we trust with more severity than justice, that there is a growing tendency in some truly excel- lent persons to introduce show and display in their religion ; a tendency not quite consistent with the interior, spiritual nature ofChristianity. It is not so much an evil we are guarding against, as the appearance of evil. Their sex, like their religion, is of a sober character ; and the tendency to which we are allud- ing, may create a suspicion that religion, even among good people, is not so much considered as a thing between God and their own soul, as we know it really is ; for we are far from suspecting that secret communion with their God and Saviour is not considered as their primary duty.