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OP PIOUS LADIES. 197 And we are willing to believe that the effect of this duty will always be visible in producing that sobriety and simplicity, which so conspicuously, and so beauti- ully distinguish the religion of the New Testament. The religion ofJesus is utterly without parade, it affects no publicity. It is enough for his servants to believe that their Heavenly Father, who sees them in secret, sees them with an approving eye. As they have got above acting from the fear of man, the next step is to get above acting foil his praise ; - the ex- cessive applause and commendation of their Christian friends being, in reality, still more to be watched against than the reproach of the irreligious. The one teaches them to be circumspect, the other may in time induce them to believe that circumspection is no longer necessary. This negligence, if it do not make them do wrong, may lead them to be too much elated with doing what is right. x;3