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198 ON THE EXERTIONS But there are higher motives for the use of discreet reserve, in the Christian's mind than what regards merely their per- sonal character. However pure in mo- tive, however innocent in action, they ,must be careful not to have their good. evil spoken of: They must be scrupu- lously cautious of not bringing the least reproach on the cause dearest to their affections. Pious persons cannot but know, that with the utmost care to avoid adding to the offence which Christian truth, however discreetly exhibited, ne- cessarily gives, many are looking out for pretences to discrellit not only the professor, but the profession itself. But if they should hereafter see any of those improprieties for which they are looking out ; if any indiScretion should be found where it is so sedulously sought, Christi- anity would suffer, and impiety triumph., We sincerely hope that certain sharp-. sighted observers, who are keenly on the watch for any thing that may discredit serious piety, who are peeping in at