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OF PIOUS LADIES. 199 every, Crevice, through which they think they may detect any real or supposed ground of censure, may never begratified with the discovery of what they so in dustriously seek. But it is obvious, that where theycan detect no substantial fault, they take comfort in finding a foible'; where there is no deformity they triumph- antly carry away a blemish, and are ready to make the most of the slightest imperfection. And a speck which would not be perceived in an ordinary form, is conspicuous on that which is white and pure. This, by a little perversion, and not a little exaggeration, not only of fact but of conjecture, is propagated till it become a mischief. In the detection of the slightest flaw in characters ofeminent piety, they.go away rejoicing, as if they had found.somehidden treasure. And it well perhaps, even for the best Christians, that there are such critical inspectors ; and the knowledge that they are watched will answer an excellent purpose, if it set them on watching themselves. 4