More - PR3605 .M6 M5 1820

900 ON THE EXERTIONS Am I then an enemy to Christian ex ertion ? God forbid ! It is the glory of our age, that among the most useful and zealous servants of our Divine Master, are to be found, of " devout and honourable women not a few;" -Ladies, whose own education not having been limited to the harp and the sketch-book, though not unskilled in either, are com- petent to teach others what themselves have been taught ; who disdain not to be employed in the humblest offices of Christian charity, to be found in the poorest cottage, at the bedside of the sick and dying ; whose daughters, if not the best waltzers, are the best catechis- ers ; whose houses are houses of prayer, whose closets are the scene of devout meditation ;, who, not contented with the stintedmodish measure of a single attend- ance on public worship, so contrive to render the hours of repast subservient to those of duty, as to make a second visit to the temple of their God ; and who endeavour to retain the odour of sanctity,