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OP PIOUS LADIES. Q01 shed on the sacred day, through the duties of the week. But to pursue the subject in a dif- ferent, though not distant direction, we cannot too much commend those valu- able persons, whom neither fortune, rank, nor any temporal advantages, have been able to seduce to follow those vain pursuits, those light, and in some cases, dangerous amusements, so eagerly sought by the votaries ofpleasure. We cannot but admire, that all those energies which others are wasting in idle diversions, or employments little better than idleness, are, by these excellent persons, devoted to purposes of religion, and religious or useful charities. if indeed, like the females attached to the new school of theology, they deserted the established proprieties, and prescribed decorums, which have ever been considered as the safeguard,* as well as the ornament, of their sex ; if they assisted to propagate novel opi- nions ; if they undertook to share the K 5