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Q02 ON THE EXERTIONS office of directors in spiritual concerns ; if they diverted to public purposes -the talents given them for the more appro- priate and subordinate, but not less useful offices of private life ; if they attempted to clear difficulties in divinity, which the wisest and most learned men had approached with awe and reverence and had receded, for fear of " darkening counselby words without knowledge ; "- if they undertook to decide between contending creeds while they considered the commandments as antiquated new- modelling the one and rescinding the other without ceremony ; - if they al- lowed themselves to determine the right and the wrong on points too abstruse, not only for female, but even for human intelligence, to decide upon, and to get rid of those they did not like or did not comprehend ; - if they had quitted plain, practical, intelligible religion, for misleading theories, and, like the apos- tate Galatians, had " removed from Him that called them into the grace of Christ