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OF PIOUS LADIES. 203 unto another gospel ;" - if all these things had taken place, then they would indeed deserve- even more censure than they have incurred ; then, though we should pity their error and lament their apostacy, we should be among the last to apologise for the one, or excuse the other. It has been brought, as a charge, against the valuable ladies whose cause we are advocating, as if it were a de. parture from the delicacy of the sex, to attend at the annual meetings of cer,, tain religious and charitable societies but we know not what reasonable ob jection can be made to their being modest and silent auditors on these oc- casions. They do not attend the resorts of the unemployed, or the ill employed - they do not attend to hear the idle news of the neighbourhood, but to hear " goodnews from a far country,", which the angels in heaven stoop down to ' hear, not the conversion of one sinner, but the conversion of many, x6