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OF PIOUS LADIES, 205 point of time ; for, as in our pleasurable pursuits, the ,consumption of time, that precious material of which life is made, forms a very considerable object, it can- not be thought unfair to compare the two classes on this ground. Did the pursuits of both, in point of health, sobriety in dress, security of morals, preservation of delicacy, more nearly approach each other than the most strenuous advocate for dissipation can pretend ; yet the prodigious in- equality of the two, as to the waste of time, must settle the matter at once with those who know the value of this fugitive, this irretrievable talent. Compare then the few hours in the day, and the very few days in the year, given up by the one to these serious pleasures, with the uncounted hours of the countless nights, spent by the other in the anti-social crowds of turbulent pleasure - spent, we will not say in the midnight parties, for that would give a false impression of the season of those