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Q08 ON THE EXtItTIONS kingdom. We hope this grand device was partly foiled, even there. In thegene- ral assault some skirmishes were fought in this country ; but here a counter- attack was made. " Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels, and prevailed." - " The accuser of the brethren was cast down." Afterwards, the great human scourge ofmankind in the same foreign country, by *a singular energy of character, aided by an unprecedented combination of cir- cumstances, to which the previous con- tempt of religion had led the way, projected the most exorbitant enterprises, and accomplished them by the most suc- cessful perseverance in every species of political andmoral mischief. In imitation of one whom the enormity of his crimes would almost warrant us in calling his grand inspirer, his labours were perhaps more energetic, because " his time was short." Here again Michael made a counter-attack on the dragon. For it is to the same powerful energies, exerted