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r 1O ON THE EXERTIONS and exerted without any departure from modesty, prudence, and simplicity, the sacrifice of which would ill repair the accomplishment, of the most popular action. It would be unpardonable in our re- marks on well-directed energies, to pass over one instance, on which, we trust, there cannot be two opinions. If some of the novelties of the present period are its errors, others are its glory. It is cheering to the wearied pilgrim, in tra- versing the desert of this sinful world, to have the eye here and there refreshed with a verdant spot, yielding not only beauty, but fertility. In alluding to certain recent under- takings which reflect honour on our country, it would be unjust to omit one which reflects honour on our sex. Justice, as well as gratitude, would be wounded, were no tribute to be paid to the most heroic ofwomen. The reader will have anticipated, that we allude to the female. Howard. Hers