More - PR3605 .M6 M5 1820

c212 ON THE EXERTIONS what was flagitious might not be incorri- gible ; and adopted a well-digested plan for their religious instruction. But she knew human nature too well, not to know that religious instruction would be very inefficacious, without cor- recting inveterately bad habits. Toge- ther with a few pious and able associates of her own sex*, she instituted a school of reform and industry, found manual employment for those who had never worked, and Christian instruction for those who had never been taught. The lips that had been seldom opened but to blaspheme their Maker, were taught to praise Him ; the hands hitherto employed in theft were employed in honest labour. Infants, in a doubly-lamentable sense, born in sin, and bred in vice, were snatched from a destruction which had appeared inevitable, and put into a train of improvement. The gloomy mansion which had lately been a scene of horror * Among these Mrs. Steinkopff stands in the first rank.