AND NEGLIGENT PRACTICE. 221 to communicate, before they have ac. Tluired a strength and permanency which may make them more decisive ; we may blame such injudicious questions to in cipient Christians, who barely know the first elements of Christianity. By the apparent depth of their views, and this cant in the expression, the stranger is led to think there is some. thing unintelligible in religion --- some mysterious charm, which is too high for her apprehension. They will not hold out to her the consoling hope of pro. gressive piety ; for, with them, growth in grace is no grace at all, - the starting- post and the goal are one and the same point. Vne of these consequences pro- bably follows:: she either falls into their peculiar views, or she is driven to seek wiser counsellors ; or is led, by the hope. lessness of attaining to their supposed elevation, to give up the pursiiit of re- ligion altogether. These technical religionists are so far l'rom encouraging favourable tendencies, L 3