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254, AURICULAR CONFESSION. the first confessor more than, absolved, the mourner more than comforted. This confidential opening of the mind, this warm pouring forth of the soul, might be perfectly right and proper, were the communication confined to one spi- ritual director. For, here, the axiom is reversed ; here, in the multitude of counsellors, there is not safety, but danger. If the perplexity be real, if the distress sincere, why not confide it to the bosom ofsome experienced female friend, of some able, and aged divine ? There all would be right, and safe ; there con- fession would bring relief, if relief and not admiration be wanted ; and where the feeling of contrition is genuine, ad miration will not be sought. If the young persons in view were not really estimable, we should not have taken the liberty to guard them against this temptation to vanity and egotism. To vanity, because they go away not only with comfort, but exultation. To egotism, because they go away with an