More - PR3605 .M6 M5 1820

AURICULAR CONFESSION. 235 increased tendency to make self their subject. A celebrated court * maxim-monger, who was ,deeply read in human nature, thOugh he did not derive his knowledge from the best sources, nor always turn it to the best account, has however given a sound caution, from which communica- tive young persons might glean a lesson : " Never talk ofyourself; neither of your good nor your bad qualities." it is true the Christian will know the -above admonition to be carried too far. He who considers that the soul is liable to diseases as well as the body, will alloy,' the necessity for a spiritual as well as bodily physician. Now if apatient must, in order to obtain relief, tell his case to a practitioner for the body, is it to be forbidden that the languishing and de- jected soul should lean for advice on a moral counsellor, " An interpreter, one of a thousand ?" - But if the graces of 4 Le Duc de la Rochefoucault,