More - PR3605 .M6 M5 1820

UNPROFITABLE READING. q41 in which any open . assault on the mind is made, as in the instances previously noticed, yet the constant habit performs the work of a mental atrophy ; it pro- duces all the symptoms of decay, and the danger is not less for being more gradual, and, therefore, less suspected. The general manners are becoming more and more relaxed. Even the old restraints, which had a regard to appear- ances, were not without their use. The writer remembers to have heard Dr. Johnson reprove a young lady in severe terms for quoting a sentiment from Tom Jones- a book, he said, which, if a mo- dest lady had done so improper a thing as to read, she should not do so immodest a thing as to avow. Many instances might be adduced to prove, that the age is gradually grown less scrupulous. We will give only one. Another young lady, independent and rich, about the same time was tempted to send for Rousseau's Heloise. A very little progress in the work convinced