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Q4.6 UNPROFITABLE READING, There are distinctions and gradation:, maintained by the squanderers of time in their several ways, of which the well- employed do not perceive the difference. Many who would turn with contempt from the card-table, think little of giving days and nights to these pernicious, or, at best, unimproving fictions - an ex- change without being an improvement.; for the volumes do not, like the cards, confine the mischief to the time they are in the hands, but, as we have observed, often leave impressions behind themwhen the others are forgotten. How gladly should we limit these observations to persons whose time is turned to little account, and spent with little scruple, in any amusement which is not obviously corrupt ! But it is with real reluctance we take the liberty to animadvert on the same error, though not carried to the same excess, in persons of a higher strain of character, persons of correct manners and considerable at- tainments. Do not many such tolerate