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9,54 THE BORDEB,ERS. sion requireg, the language of both coun- tries, they have the advantage of appear- ing to be always at home with each, who never suspect that the same facility in the dialect of the other, equally secures their popularity there. In one respect, they carefully comply with the Apostle's injunction, applying to it, however, a meaning of their own, " They let their moderation be known unto sail men." They scrupulouslyavoid extremes. They keep a kind of debtor and creditor account with religion and the world, punctually paying themselves for some practice they renounce, by adopting some other which is a shade or two lighter : between these shades they discriminate nicely ; and the pride they feel in what they have given up, is more sincere than the gratification at what they retain. Thus, though hovering on the borders of both countries, they do not penetrate into the depths of either. The latitude they happen to be cast in varies accord-