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THE BORDERERS. 255 ing to circumstances. An awakening sermonwill drive them, for a time, beyond the usualgeographical degree; anamusing novel, or a new Canto of Childe Harold, will seduce tem to retreat. Their in- tentions, however, they flatter themselves, are generally on the right, side, while their movements are too frequently on the other. But though their language can accom. modate itself to both parties, their per sonal appearance is entirely under the direction of one of them. In their ex- ternal decorations, they are not behind the foremost of their fashionable friends ; and truth obliges us reluctantly to con- fess, that their dress is as little confined within the bounds of strict delicacy, as that of women the rest of whose conduct is more exceptionable. The consequence is not unnatural ; for to those who must do like other people, it is also necesary to look like other people. It does, how- ever, seem a little incongruous, to hear the language of one of the countries